Fermentation Workshop

Fermentation Workshop

with Sanja Pejin and Connor Kirchhof

1-4 pm Sunday, June 4

fermented foods

Fermentation is the art of culturing foods with beneficial yeasts and bacteria to make wonderfully tasty and healthy gifts of life.

It’s an art that is shared by all cultures throughout human history.

If the human body is compared to a garden, eating probiotic foods will inoculate our inner soil with the little workers that will help keep us healthy, much as soil microbes in our gardens do.

Also, learning to do it yourself makes it a lot more accessible in terms of cost, so that ferments can be a daily part of your life as whole foods sources.


Some folks are concerned about the safety of home fermentation, difficulty and knowing if a food has gone bad or is in fact, actually fermented.

  • Learn the fine art of making; sauerkraut, sourdough starters, pickles, and milk kefir.
  • Learn a few specific ferments to get you started.
  • Learn that fermentation is easy, safe, and once you get the hang of it, infinitely customizable.

Sanja Pejin loves using herbs and natural foods as healing support systems. She hails from Serbia, the southeastern part of Europe where fermented foods are a staple, especially during the winter. Her love for kefir, yogurt, and sauerkraut comes from her family who taught her how important homemade, natural food is. When she came to America she immersed herself in holistic health studies, receiving her Massage Therapist Certification from the International Professional School of Bodywork and completing the Clinical Training Program at Self-Heal School. Sanja feels that good food is the pillar of good health and that there is nothing better than learning how to make it yourself and sharing it with others.

Connor Kirchof

Connor Kirchhof received his Holistic Health Practitioner Certification from the International Professional School of Bodywork and is a graduate of the Self-Heal School Clinical Training Program.
A fervent fermenter, he believes that everything begins with good nutrition, with fermentation a key aspect. He loves to share with people the traditions of fermenting.

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