231 Hour Certificate Program

231 Hour Certificate Program

Certificate Program Details

At this time there is no governmental certification offered nor required for herbal consulting.

To ensure a level of professional training in this field, Self-Heal School offers a certificate program.

Eligibility for a Certificate of Completion from Self-Heal School is based upon completion of the 231-Hour Certificate Program.

Certificate Program Pricing

The total cost for the 231-hour Certificate Program is $3060.

You can pay for each course ($200) as you take it.

If you pay in advance for the Certificate Program, you pay only $2600. This option saves you $460. If you pay in cash, you can pay $2500, saving you $560.

Review courses may be taken for half price.

Classroom Instruction: 195 Hours

15-Hour Courses

  • Herbalism 101
  • Therapeutic Applications of Herb
  • Practical Applications of Herbs
  • Body System Therapeutics
  • Herbal Preparations
  • Herbs for Women’s Health
  • Aromatherapy I
  • Aromatherapy II
  • Nutrition I
  • Nutrition II
  • Healing I
  • Healing II
  • Healing III

Botanical Research: 10 Hours

Research of herbal references for submission of a paper outlining:

  • Botanical names
  • Habitat
  • Description
  • Growth characteristics
  • Parts used
  • Active principles
  • Therapeutic applications
  • History in myth and magic
  • Personal observations
  • Bibliography to include at least three references

Plant Identification: 10 Hours

Five (2-hour) herb walks acquaint the student with local plants used as food and medicine.

Medicine Making Workshop: 6 Hours

Learn by doing!  Learn to powder herbs and take them in vegetable capsules. Mix herbs together in proportional parts to make herbal formulas. You will make, package, and label these items for your medicine kit:

  • 6 Useful Tinctures
  • 5 Teas/Powders
  • Rescue Remedy
  • Herbal Salve

Herbal Formulation: 6 Hours

Submission of a formula created by the student including a description of the action of each herb.

Tincture Making: 4 Hours

Submission of an extract of chosen herb or herbal formula in chosen menstruum, properly bottled and labeled with a short description of purpose.

Course Descriptions

Herbalism 101 | 15-hour Course

Do you learn more from practical demos and seeing how herbal medicines are actually made?
In this interactive course, you’ll learn to use a variety of medicinal herbs to make herbal preparations.

  • In our herb garden as well as the classroom and herbal apothecary, you’ll discover herbs found growing in San Diego and around the world.
  • You’ll learn basic Western herb theory, simpling, medicinal plant identification and more.
  • You will begin with a stroll around the school herb garden as we identify plants and speak of their uses in food and medicine.
  • We’ll eat some and make tea with some.

You will also learn how to:

  • Acquire high-quality herbs and store them
  • Make medicinal teas:
    • Infusions
    • Decoctions
    • cold water infusions
  • Extract herbs in:
    • Alcohol
    • Vinegar
    • Glycerine
  • Powder herbs to take in capsules
  • Extract herbs in oils to make:
    • Bath and body oils
    • Salves
    • Balms
    • Emulsions (lotions and creams)
  • Use herbs externally:
    • Poultices
    • Plasters
    • Compresses
    • Soaks
    • Washes
  • Access great online reference materials
  • And much more in a casual and interactive environment


Practical Applications of Herbs | 15-hour Course

Topics for this fun and informative course include:

  • Herbs in medicine – a global overview
  • Herbal first-aid
  • Flower essences and radiasthesia (dousing)
  • Combining herbs in strength (making formulas)
  • Herbal cosmetics
  • Herbal rejuvenation


Therapeutic Applications of Herbs | 15-hour Course

  • Active principles in medicinal plants:
    • Alkaloids
    • Glycosides
    • Saponins
    • Tannins
    • Bitters
    • Essential oils
  • How they interact in the body to balance functions and support structures:
    • Stimulation Therapy
    • Tranquilization Therapy
    • Blood Purification Therapy
    • Tonification Therapy
    • Purgation Therapy
    • Emetic Therapy
    • Diuretic Therapy
    • Diaphoretic Therapy
  • The relationship of herbs to other holistic modalities in natural healing


Body System Therapeutics | 15-hour Course

This course focuses on in-depth natural herbal therapies with references to:

  • Anatomy/physiology
  • How each system functions with a focus on:
    • Herbal tonics
    • Natural therapies to address strengthening and balancing
    • Common complaints
    • Complementary therapies such as:
      • Diet
      • Aromatherapy
      • Flower essences
  • We begin with the nervous system- herbal nervines, nervade cocktails and herbal footbaths, herbs and natural therapies for nerve structure and function.
  • This course is very experiential.
  • Some folks claim that they’ve never been so relaxed before.
  • Next, we do the respiratory system, including herbal steams, teas, powders, and syrups.
  • In the following classes, we cover musculo/skeletal, liver/kidney, immune, and digestive/circulatory.


Herbal Preparations | 15-hour Course

This show and tell course includes:

  • Delivery systems for herbal remedies
  • Herbal Percolations
  • Making boluses
  • Making massage creams and balms
  • Making electuaries and pills
  • Making cough syrup
  • Understanding dilutions and proportions


Herbs for Women’s Health | 15-hour Course

This course is designed to help women gain a deeper understanding of how to create and maintain lifelong health through deeper awareness of:

  • Our own psyches and mind-body connections
  • Our herbal allies and how to use them
  • Foods and kitchen medicines
  • What to do when we’re out of balance including specifics for easing symptoms of PMS and menopause
  • Creating healthy pregnancies
  • Creating healthy breasts, backs, and hearts
  • Keeping our bones strong and healthy
  • Working with cysts, fibroids, and infections
  • Stress, depression and weight loss
  • Having fun with aphrodisiacs


Aromatherapy I | 15-hour Course

  • Basic knowledge of the essentials of Aromatherapy
  • Notes
  • Properties
  • Blending
  • Therapeutic applications in natural healing
  • Includes hands-on exercises with many common and exotic oils
    Note: There is a $20 materials fee for this course.


Aromatherapy II | 15-hour Course

  • Intro to advanced Aromatherapy
  • aromachemistry and chemotypes
  • hydrolates- the new aromatherapy.
  • aromatherapy for body systems:
    • Muscular
    • Circulatory
    • Digestive
    • Immune
    • Respiratory
    • Reproductive
    • Nervous
      Note: There is a $20 materials fee for this course.


Nutrition I 15-hour Course

In this fun and informative course, you’ll learn about:

  • Basic elements of nutrition
  • Importance of water in the diet
  • Acid and alkaline forming foods
  • Food combining
  • Alternatives to milk and meat
  • Enzyme nutrition
  • Importance of obtaining organically produced food
  • Cultured foods
  • Wheat grass, cleansing diets, and fasting
  • Colon health and probiotics
  • Super foods


Nutrition II | 15-Hour Course

In this in-depth course you’ll learn about:

  • Chemical composition of the body and of nutrients in food
  • Energy yielding nutrients
  • Determining protein-fat-carbohydrate balance
  • Low-fat diets
  • Staying away from cholesterol and fats
  • Oil quality and preservation
  • Trans fatty acids and hydrogenation
  • Free radicals and antioxidants
  • Diets and foods as medicine and tonics for particular health conditions


Hands-on Medicine-Making Workshop | 6 Hours

  • Using a scale
  • Using an herb grinder
  • Calculating proportional parts
  • Making herb teas
  • Making powder combinations
  • Making herbal salve
  • Making tinctures
  • Taking home a medicine kit for home study


Field Identification | 10 Hours

Identification of flora in the field with discussion of medicinal and edible applications.


Energy Healing I | 15-Hour Course

Join us as we learn to work with the auric field to give energy healings that are safe, effective and powerful. Anyone can learn these simple techniques. No previous experience in energy work is necessary.

This class is a must for anyone who works with others, especially as a caregiver. Receive a healing each week in this fun and empowering class.

Most people can’t believe how good they feel.


Energy Healing II | 15-Hour Course

Prerequisite Healing I

In this course, you’ll learn advanced healing techniques and practice giving and receiving healings each week.

We’ll sharpen our intuitive skills by learning to read energy and see auras as well as learning to talk to and receive messages from our guides.


Energy Healing III | 15-Hour Course

Prerequisite Healing I and II

Practice your energy healing skills while you learn to work with each chakra through specials exercises, crystals, colors, meditations, aromatherapy, visualization, and affirmations.

This is a very special teaching that takes you on a magical healing journey of your own self.

231-Hour Certificate Program

Pay in advance for the Certificate Program and pay only $2600. This registration form saves you $460. 

If you prefer to pay as you go, the registration options are included on the web pages for each course. See Classes & Events 

Participant Name
Phone # (123 456 7890)

Upcoming Classes & Events

Summer Herbal Home Spa

Saturday, July 21

Herbal Preparations

Starts August 19

Herbalism 101

Starts August 20