Healing Compress

Healing Compress

Healing Compress Herbs

A blend of naturally healing organically grown and wildcrafted herbs such as Calendula Flowers, Black Walnut Leaves, Chaparral Leaf, Comfrey Leaf and Root, Lobelia, Marshmallow Root, Mullein Leaf, Skullcap, White Oak Bark and Wormwood, traditionally employed as a muscle relaxer, astringent, antiseptic and vulnerary (cell proliferant) to heal all manner of connective tissue injuries.


Application of hot herbal compresses to restore warmth relieves the pain associated with the initial stage of an injury. Muscles relax, energy and fluid circulation are stimulated (which will normalize inflammation naturally), soothes inflamed membranes, disinfects, draws torn parts together, and proliferates regenerative cell growth.

Hot herbal compresses are indicated for sprains, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, bruising, muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, and other connective tissue hurts.

Applying Hot Compress

Gently simmer herbs in water (approximately one cup per pint of water). A hand, elbow, or foot may be soaked directly in hot tea, reheating as required to maintain maximum tolerable temperature. For knees, shoulders, hips, etc. soak a towel or cloth in tea and apply to affected area as hot as can be tolerated without discomfort. Cover with plastic, saran wrap or press & seal. Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on top. Cover with a dry cotton (flannel) cloth or towel. Generally application should be for at least 30 minutes. After treatment (wring out towel and) refrigerate tea. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day as needed. Tea can be preserved with grapefruit seed extract and reused for up to a month in this manner.


Hot compress (or soak) may be alternated with a shorter application of a cold compress (or ice water soak). Heat serves to relax the body and open the pores. Cold stimulates the body and causes contraction. Alternation between hot and cold will revitalize the area.

How I Discovered This Remarkable Herbal Remedy

After suffering a knee injury playing basketball the knee became quite swollen and painful. A visit to the local doctor ended with a recommendation for surgery to repair torn ligaments. The recovery time would be several months.

The local herbalist advised that a bag of herbs be simmered in water to make a strong tea. Into this hot liquid a towel was dipped. It was then wrapped around the knee with a hot water bottle on top for 45 minutes or more, twice a day.

Within a few days the swelling went down and the pain was gone. Within a few weeks normal walking was possible. In a few months it was back on the basketball courts. Years later there is no difference between the two knees. No scar tissue, no aching in cold conditions, no debility, and no scar.

The use of hot compresses for injuries with inflammation is counter to current practice in western medicine. The normal course is R.I.C.E.; Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Ice is the allopathic response to counter the body’s need to swell. Swelling provides natural compression. The condition is temporary as is the pain that is telling us to rest (& elevate).

Further, injury involves a blockage of energy and fluids. This results in a cold local condition evidenced by blue coloration around the area exposed in high voltage photography. Application of cold retards the healing process. It is also more painful as already traumatized muscles go further into spasm.

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Summer Herbal Home Spa

Saturday, July 21

Herbal Preparations

Starts August 19

Herbalism 101

Starts August 20