Medicine Making Workshop

Medicine Making Workshop

Hands-On Medicine Making Workshop

Date: Sunday, May 5
Time: 10 am – 5 pm

3577 Addison St, San Diego, CA 92106 (Point Loma)

Fee: $150  This Workshop is fully booked

Learn by doing! Come and make herbal remedies that have proven invaluable in coping with everyday situations.

With a recipe book defining the common uses for each remedy, you’ll find many uses for your kit, and you’ll be able to make the remedies to replace them. This medicine kit would cost more than $100 to purchase.

Learn to powder herbs and take them in vegetable capsules. Mix herbs together in proportional parts to make herbal formulas. You will make, package, and label these items for your medicine kit:

  • 6 Useful Tinctures
  • 5 Teas/Powders
  • Rescue Remedy
  • Herbal Salve

Register for Medicine Making Workshop

Limited spaces are available.

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Participant Phone Number

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