Herbal Anitmicrobial

Herbal Antimicrobial is an immunostimulator. This tincture is used to boost your immune system for colds, flus & infections including strep throat, invasive staph infection, acne, dysentery, and urinary tract infection.

Instructions For Use

As a preventative, take 1/4 teaspoon (with 500 mg vitamin C and 10,000 IU Vitamin A).


Echinacae– Echinacea angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea (syn. Kansas snake root, prairie doctor, purple coneflower). Echinacea is an immune tonic in the sense that it will either increase or decrease white blood cell production depending on what the body needs for balance. It also increases phagocyte (eating cells) activity and has a mild antibiotic property specific to some pathogens including strep and staph. Probably its most important immune function is the neutralizing effect it has on the enzyme hyaluronidase secreted by many pathogens to break through the protective connective tissue layer protecting our body cells from infection. A small dose daily or semidaily may protect against infection while large doses are required to combat infection once it is entrenched. Since it is nontoxic, we recommend doses as high as 30 ml per hour for short periods (a day or two).

Chaparral– Larrea tridentata, Larrea divaricata (Syn. creosote, greasewood). In many areas this plant comprises most of the vegetation. The yellow flowers of early spring turn to fuzzy seed-balls by summer. An 11,700 year old ring of chaparral bushes was recently discovered in the Mojave desert. The resinous principle gets sticky as the summer gets hotter although in the past few drought years the plants have not produced much. It contains NDGA (nordihydroquairetic acid), an antioxidant (natural preservative) known for its antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral, parasiticide, and antitumoral properties. Also effective as a respiratory steam for bronchial congestion. A decoction of the leaves makes an effective soak for sprains, rheumatism, and arthritis.

Goldenseal– Hydrastis canadensis. This native American plant was used by the indigenous people for a variety of complaints. It is not an immune tonic but simply an herb that increases immune function. Containing alkaloids (including hydrastine and berberine), essential oil and resin, it is very disinfecting, killing pathogens on contact. It also increases white blood cell production. It doesn’t differentiate between “good” and bad bacteria, killing everything in its path. Therefore daily use of goldenseal would leave one with favorable gut bacteria decimated. These bacteria actually synthesize vitamin B for us. So short term use of goldenseal should be combined with taking cultured foods or acidophilus to replace lost colonies. It is also a good idea to supplement B vitamins at this time. Goldenseal can also raise the blood pressure so those with hypertension should moderate its use. The pressure goes down as soon as use is discontinued. Because it is a uterine stimulant it should be avoided during pregnancy. Recommended dosage: 200 mg of the powdered rhizome; .5 -2 ml of the tincture; three times a day.

Licorice– Glycyrrhiza glabra, roots collected for lubricating, soothing, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties. Beneficial to the liver, digestion and elimination. Helps mitigate nauseating effects large doses of echinacea elicit in some people.

Cayenne– Capsicum minimum, (syn. African Pepper, Chilies, Bird Pepper). The fruit of this great herb is often added to tonics to help warm the body, stimulate metabolic function, and relieve congestion that would impede immune processes. It is said to be unequaled for warding off diseases.

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Saturday, July 21

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