Aromatherapy I

Aromatherapy I

Aromatherapy I


with Aricia Zazo
Thursdays, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.
Starting February 22
(Class does not meet on March 7)
Fee: $200


The scent of jasmine on a warm summer’s night…coffee in the morning… vaporub on your chest as a child… skunk…

The scents of nature are powerful, evoking memories, emotions, and physical responses.

Smell is our most ancient, complex yet primitive of all our senses.

Come learn what it is that affects us.

In this comprehensive overview, we will learn the basics of essential oils.

What are they?

How do we extract them and use them for body, mind, and soul?

Hands-on and interactive, you will come to know a veritable smorgasbord of essential oils- their classifications and chemotypes as well as their personalities.

We’ll also learn the therapeutic and scientific properties of these wonderful allies for all body systems, as well as the magical and mystical nuances that make aromatherapy an art as well as a science.

Aricia Zazo has been a professional member of the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy, HHP & Herbalist with additional certifications in Hypnotherapy, NLP & Reiki, and a BA in Psychology.
From Quantum physics to worldwide spiritualities, from Nature’s medicine chest to vibrational healing, she is ever-learning and sharing to elevate Health, Bliss and Love to new levels! Her practice and teachings sparkle with the alchemy of science, art and magic! She honors and integrates the powerful healing of Mother Earth  and invites everyone to join her in the dance to heal body, mind, spirit and Earth!

Registration & Payments

Aromatherapy I

Payment Option
Choose Aroma I or II
Participant Name
Participant Phone Number

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