Connect with Earth Mother
the Grandmothers Spirit
the Spirit of the Lake, and your sisters.
Jane Richmond has co-directed Self-Heal School with her partner John Finch for more than 35 years.
She supervises the Self-Heal Herbal Clinical Program as well as hosting Women’s Retreats.
Jane teaches classes and workshops in herbal medicine, holistic nutrition, energy healing, and creating prosperity consciousness.
After more than 20 years of study with her Native American teacher, she was given the teachings of the Song of Creation and the Integration of the True Self to share with others, as well as a deep understanding of Earth Teachings.
$40 non-refundable deposit will reserve your space
Full $120 payment due
by September 15
Call Jane for more information.
619 224 1268
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Get John’s Ebook “Herb Talk Anthology”
(check the Welcome email for your download link)
3577 Addison Street
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 224-1268
[email protected]
Copyright 2023 Self-Heal School of Herbal Studies & Healing