Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Self-Heal School is located at 3577 Addison St. San Diego, CA 92106 (Point Loma)

Our courses are currently being held on Zoom as well as in-person (hybrid classes), which allows folks from all over to safely learn about natural healing.

You may choose to participate online or in-person for each individual class in a hybrid course.

Most people begin with Herbalism 101 and continue with herb classes that follow. Of course, you can take any of our courses whenever they are offered.

The only exception is Healing with Energy which requires Healing I as a prerequisite to Healing II and III.

You will find that we are extremely competitive. At the present fee schedule, the total cost for the 231-hour Certificate Program is $3060.

You can pay for each course ($200) as you take it.

If you pay in advance for the Program, you pay only $2500. This option saves you $560. 
Sign up for the 231-Hour Certificate Program

We accept some trades for childcare, housework, yardwork, bodywork, marketing, and the like. Contact Jane for more information. 619 224 1268.

Sign up for the 231-Hour Certificate Program

Our Online Schedule shows classes and workshops we offer. This will be updated regularly.

Pay for individual courses or workshops on their individual pages.

When we receive your class or workshop registration, we’ll e-mail you a confirmation and info to access the online classes.

The balance of your fee may be paid at the first class or made in several payments throughout the course.

Those preferring Venmo may do so @selfhealschool. Please include email address, phone number and class(es) you are registering for.

This happens all the time and isn’t a problem.

We record the zoom classes and make the recordings available to registered students.

If you register, give us your address and we can inquire of other registered students if they are able to transport you.

We have handouts and booklets that we have written for each course, and they are included in the cost of the Courses. During Zoom classes PDFs of booklets will be emailed along with the meeting code to access the online classes.

We can recommend other reference material and direct you to sources that offer discounts for books to our students.

231-Hour Certificate Program

No state in the United States requires (nor offers) a license to provide holistic health care in the form of herbal consulting.

You can’t diagnose any disease or condition (you can evaluate) and you can’t prescribe medicines (you can recommend and provide remedies).

You generally will not be able to have your clients file a claim to most insurance carriers for your services or remedies.

You should know, also, that even if you are treating folks without a fee, you are liable under the same laws. The best you can do is be well informed and stay within your level of expertise.

We do train clinical herbalists here and offer a Certificate of Completion at three levels: 231-hour Certificate, Pre-Clinic Training Certificate, and Clinic Certificate.

Some schools claim to offer professional certification. If they don’t prepare you to be certified as a licensed acupuncturist or chiropractor, unless you’re looking for a massage license, these don’t confer any legal credential.

What you want is practical training and experience, wherever you can find it.

You can find that here.

The certificate program is the first third of our program.

Following is pre-clinic training and clinic training.

  • Seeing clients and performing health consultations
  • Working in a clinic
  • Teaching classes (in a wide range of setting and format options)
  • Writing (books, magazine and newspaper articles ,blogs, web content)
  • Making and selling herbal remedies or herbal crafts
  • Running or working in an herb shop or natural food store
  • Growing, wild harvesting and selling live herbs

Classes generally meet one evening each week for 2½ hours (7-9:30 pm) and each course meets for six weeks. We generally offer three courses each week so you can accelerate your progress if needed.

At that rate people have completed in about 30 weeks. It depends on the pace that works for you.

We don’t assign homework or give tests.

We encourage students to do outside research and study, but it isn’t required.

Herbal medicine is an art as much as it is a science.

We feel that by passing on a show-and-tell tradition, students will have the foundation they need to begin using herbal medicines in a safe and effective manner.

The herbs will teach us most of what we need to learn, whether learning to take care of ourselves with natural remedies, or training as a holistic consultant.

Actually, this is often very beneficial, and we encourage it.

Courses may be repeated for half the course fee.

The fee for herb walks is $20. If a couple, any two in union, have only one income, The fee is $30.

Kids are always free.

If an accompanying person is only along for the walk and not participating in the plant identification, they are also free.

We offer fee installments to make it easier to pay for the courses.

You may pay a deposit for a course, normally $40, and make arrangements to pay installments. We just ask that you pay in full by course end.

Self-Heal School does not offer refunds for class fees. If you miss classes or fail to complete courses, you will have a credit that can be used for courses or workshops for up to one year from the time you paid.

There are very few cases of covid in San Diego at this time. We will monitor the situation and take steps as required.

If you have any other questions...

Upcoming Classes & Events

Aromatherapy I

Starts April 3

Herbal Preparations

Starts April 7

Herbalism 101

Starts April 8