Spirit Dolls

Spirit Dolls

Spirit Doll Fall Ceremony

with Jane Richmond

1-4:30 Sunday, September 23

This day will be a time for women to gather, share, and have fun connecting with each other, Mother Earth and Grandmother Spirit.

Led by Jane Richmond who studied Native American ceremonial traditions with her spiritual teacher for more than twenty five years.

You will create two dolls to bring in your spirit and the spirit of Fall. Potluck to follow so bring your favorite dish.

What to wear: In keeping with the grandmother tradition, please wear a skirt or a dress.

What to bring:

  • Two sticks that you will find in nature before the day of the ceremony. These will be used for the base of your doll.
  • Materials that speak to your spirit, the abundance of Fall energies or anything you want (fabric, shells, crystals, etc.).
  • Whatever you need to hold your doll together such as glue guns, needle and thread, or super glue.
  • Scissors
  • Your potluck dish.

Can’t wait to share this sacred space with you all and bring in this abundant season.

Register early to hold your spot as this ceremony can fill up fast.

$30 donation

Participant Name
Phone # (123 456 7890)


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