Shamanic Drum Making and Blessing Ceremony

Shamanic Drum Making and Blessing Ceremony

Shamanic Drum making and Blessing Ceremony

Shamanic Drum

Come spend the day innately faceting beautiful deer and horse drums with love and light followed by a sacred cacao ceremony where we set intentions and bless our handcrafted drum through a guided shamanic journey connecting with animal and spirit guides bringing ones self into right relationship with nature spirit. cacao ceremony We’ll be shifting energies and intention into sacred space, calling upon our primitive self and reclaiming your connection to the beat of mother earth. Drums have been used throughout the world and human history for ritual, ceremony, communication and connection, Perhaps the earliest of human musical instruments, the drum brings back the heartbeat of the Mother, both on a personal and planetary level. We will make 15 inch, traditional drums of horse or deer hides over maple hoops. Feel free to bring embellishments and fetishes to adorn your drum. Horse is the traditional journey animal, used by shamanic workers in both the old and new world. Horse drums are dark in color with a heady tone. The horse drum is associated with the third eye chakra. The deer has been an important helper to humans worldwide. Deer represents love and circulation. Deer drums are light to medium in color and have an extremely resonant tone with sustained harmonics. The deer drum is associated with the heart chakra and carries a feminine energy. Maple is common in both Europe and North America. It is considered a tree of balance, wisdom and prosperity. Airalia Medicine Crow is a licensed midwife, shamanic practitioner, medicine woman, herbalist, crystal healer, and spiritual mother of four beautiful beings. Airalia She believes in tapping into the primal empowerment of life by reconnecting ourselves to our sacred instincts. She is a night thinker, day dreamer, spirit talker, earth walker, spiritual alchemist, and ancestral holder of staff and bone. Airalia was born to this pathway and nurtured from a young age. Her calling is within the illustrious space between this world and the spirit world, the conduit for those who went before and those who are to come.

Spiritual Weaving Begins

10 am – 4 pm Saturday, January 25 $60 deposit is required to hold a space

Feel free to to bring embellishments and fetishes to adorn your drum

Limited registration (max 15).

Payment Options
Preference of Hide
Participant Name
Phone # (123 456 7890)

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