Meets 7-9:30 PM Mondays
Starting Monday, October 7
Fee: $200
Join us for this in-depth six-week course that will address some anatomy/physiology and how each system functions with a focus on herbal tonics and natural therapies to address strengthening and balancing, as well as common complaints.
If you attend in-person, you will get the opportunity to experience the herbs in class. Some folks claim that they’ve never been so relaxed before.
We begin with the nervous system:
Next we do the respiratory system:
In the following classes we cover:
We will be also be going over in-depth natural therapies focusing on herbal remedies with references to complementary therapies such as diet, aromatherapy and flower essences.
Please enter your name, phone number, and type of payment.
You may pay in full or make a deposit.
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Get John’s Ebook “Herb Talk Anthology”
(check the Welcome email for your download link)
3577 Addison Street
San Diego, CA 92106
(619) 224-1268
[email protected]
Copyright 2023 Self-Heal School of Herbal Studies & Healing