Five Element Feng Shui

Five Element Feng Shui

Five Element Feng Shui

Six-Week Course

with Jeanne Corso

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
starts Wednesday, March 8


“The essence of Feng Shui is how to live life in a Graceful Way.

Five Elements correspond to Five Senses, And in Nature we find what compliments us.

Sometimes we get stuck, and need a way through, Feng shui can reveal what’s just right for you.

What to put where is part of the Cure… …some things to know before you put up a mirror.

Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water correspond to places on the map of the Bagua.

When the knowledge of Feng Shui is obtained, the smooth flow of life in harmony is attained.”

Come join us as we explore the Five Element system of Feng shui to enhance living and working environments, create better health and clarity of mind, harmony in relationships, greater openness to abundance and wealth, and more.

The principles which are based on ancient Chinese Medicine relate all aspects of our environment and our own bodies and personalities to the five elements found in nature. We will take a deep dive into learning about each element, how they manifest in our lives and whether we are abundant in some areas and deficient in others.

Using tools such as the bagua, we can learn to remediate issues by making changes to our environments. This will be a highly individualized approach based on who you are, and we will spend a lot of time using examples from class participants.

And hopefully we will have a lot of fun too! Please join us!

Jeanne Corso has been involved in the healing arts for many years, becoming an acupuncturist in 1987.  She also has a passion for metaphysics, and practices astrology based on Ancient Greek methodology.  She seems to imbue her Feng shui practice with art, aesthetics, magic, and reverence for life.

Jeanne Corso

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Five Element Feng Shui

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