Payment Options

Payment Options


When we receive your class or workshop registration, we’ll e-mail confirmation, a map and directions. The balance of your fee, if any, may be paid at the first class or made in several payments throughout the course. All deposits are nonrefundable.

Online Payments

Pay Custom Amounts with PayPal account or Credit Card

To include a note when you pay: click on “Add special instructions to the seller” in PayPal checkout.

Pay with Check or Money Order

If paying by check or money order, please write on the check, money order, or on a separate paper, the registrant’s name, contact phone number, email address and the name of the course or workshop you’re making a deposit or payment for.

Make checks payable to Self-Heal School and mail to PO Box 70131, San Diego, CA 92167.

Upcoming Classes & Events

View our online Schedule of Events for upcoming classes and workshops.