A Simpler Way


A Simpler Way It normally takes a good bit of material from mild medicinal plants to trigger healing reactions in the body. If one is working only with the plants for their chemical compounds, one ounce (about a handful) of mild herbs steeped in a tea is standard. This chemical model breaks down, however, when […]

Top 5 Herbs For Alcohol Recovery

herbs for alcohol recovery

When I quit drinking alcohol several years ago, I was very worried that I would never be able to relax anymore. Alcohol had long been my crutch for increasing my energy levels and allowing me to tone down my mood after a long day of work. Toward the end of my drinking years, I started […]

Hugging For Health

Most of my friends and family hug each other when we meet and when we part. I encourage hugging with our students as well. When we meet someone new, they often extend their hand to invite a handshake. The handshake is thought by some to have originated as a gesture of peace by demonstrating that […]

Marathon Lost


There aren’t many of us that can claim San Diego as our native home. We have come from everywhere on the planet to create the melting pot population we find here. Our plant population is also a mix of natives and plants brought by settlers from their native homes. Voyage to the New World When […]

Treating Depression with Saint John’s Wort


Canada’s immigration website crashed on Tuesday night as the US election results were rolling in. The top story on Business Insider has been how to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen. For those of us electing to stay and see what the future brings, there may be need of a safe and effective […]

The More Things Change


As we enter a new millennium, it may be helpful to look back to assess what we’ve learned collectively about medicinal plants that could prove helpful in our future. And, while many other things are changing in this technological age, the plants remain. One medicinal plant has survived the modern attacks on herbs and has […]

Ashwagandha – Sweat of the Horse


I began playing drums in rock bands shortly after I got out of the Navy in 1966. I was 21. While in my fifties I played in a rock band with guys who were in their early twenties. We played originals and occasionally played improvisational music, commonly known as jamming. During several such occasions we […]

Romance – It’s in the Air


Ah, Springtime! Romance is in the air. Even the parrots of Ocean Beach are making advances and doing their special courtship dance on the telephone wires. Spring rains have encouraged a profusion of colorful flowers with their delicious scents. Soon the night-blooming jasmine outside our window will be filling the night with its delirious odor, […]

Are you sleeping?


Over the past thirty years I have been making an herbal combination that can help deal with stress and emotional challenges during the day, while supporting restful sleep at night. It consists of a combination of tinctures (alcohol extracts) of Valerian Root, Ashwagandha, Chamomile Flowers, Passion Flower, Skullcap, Wood Betony, Milk Thistle Seed, licorice and […]

Upcoming Classes & Events

Therapeutic Applications of Herbs

Starts May 6

Herbalism 101

Starts May 28

Healing with Energy I

Starts May 30