The sum of Us

man on mountain

While teaching an herbal fundamentals class in the holistic health practitioner program at a local massage college, we got deep into the relationship between plants and people, and ultimately, among all things animate and inanimate.   The concept of treating the whole body or the whole person, including body, mind and spirit brought up the […]

Spring Tonic for the Spirit


Ah Spring! I love the longer and warmer days of Spring with abundant rain triggering a transformation within the heart of little seeds, spurring them on their life cycle as a cog in the great wheel of life. We’ve discovered some of these green beings in our garden, dancing in Spring’s blustery moments. One, particularly, […]

Herbal Alteratives

dandelion root tea

Herbal Alteratives There is an array of mood-altering medicines in pharmaceutical use, as well as a number of legal and controlled plant substances that alter the psyche or consciousness. So we are familiar with the concept of alteration. Blood Purifiers Herbal alteratives are known as blood purifiers because by cleaning up the blood, they alter our […]

How Sweet it is!

Stevia Plant and Sugar

How Sweet It Is! What allows me to sleep well at night is the knowledge that while I sleep, agencies of our government are vigilantly protecting me from harm. The FDA in particular has been working late to keep a potentially dangerous herb from creeping into our food supply. This perennial shrub, Stevia rebaudiana, is […]

Rosemary – An Herb to Remember

Rosemary tea

Rosemary – An Herb to Remember A shrubby evergreen herb graces our garden. It requires so little care that one may not give proper notice until beautiful blue flowers provide evidence of its royalty among plants. It holds a special position among herbs from the symbolism attached to its many virtues. The name rosemary is […]



Algae One single-celled organism, available as a whole, natural, wild food may well be the answer to many of the problems facing us in the world today. The Algae Story Although it has been around for billions of years, this part of its story starts more than six thousand years ago when a volcanic eruption […]

Smart Medicine


Smart Medicine CNN coverage of the Gulf War impressed people around the world with the ability of weapons developed for the military to be directed against specific targets, while leaving the surrounding real estate intact. And while “smart bombs” must be the quintessential oxymoron of our modern age, I’ve always been struck by the ancient […]

Refreshing Nettles


Refreshing Nettles When the weather heats up, we look to beverages for refreshment. Beer is often the beverage of choice. It is also a favorite during the winter holidays. And while commercial beer can present health risks because of the chemicals used in the process, herb beers have been a traditional part of folk medicine […]

Magical Dandelion

Dandelion Wishes

Magical Dandelion While in our herb garden the other day my daughter picked a dandelion that had gone to seed. She blew heartily till all the seeds flew off and floated away in the afternoon breeze. Remembering having done the same as a child, I inquired if she had made a wish. She had indeed. […]

Upcoming Classes & Events

Nutrition I

Starts April 24

Medicine Making Workshop

May 5

Healing with Energy I

Starts May 30