Self-Heal Blog

Self-Heal Blog


Benefits of Cinnamon

The benefits of cinnamon The benefits of cinnamon go far beyond its culinary applications as a spice. Description Cinnamon is the brownish-reddish inner bark of

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licorice roots

Benefits of Licorice Root

Benefits of Licorice Root– The Great Harmonizer One of the benefits of licorice root may well be summarized in Mary Poppins’ attestation, “a spoonful of

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Growing up in Michigan, my earliest experience with totems was with totem poles. They were wooden poles carved with the shapes of various heads and

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Crystal Healing

Since Covid, many of us have looked for ways to feel grounded, to calm anxiety and soothe stress. This has brought about a rise of

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herbal punch

Holiday Herbal Punch

Holiday Herbal Punch We have used this recipe for our kid’s birthdays for years. We catered a wedding with is once . Everyone wanted to

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Peruvian Torch

Psychedelic Plant Shamanism

Peruvian Torch – Trichocereus peruvianus In the past, psychedelic plant shamanism was about substances publicly known world wide and were respected for their ability to

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Upcoming Classes & Events

Summer Herbal Home Spa

Saturday, July 21

Herbal Preparations

Starts August 19

Herbalism 101

Starts August 20